
Hummus (submitted by Michaela Cummings)

Hummus (submitted by Michaela Cummings)


30 Minutes




Middle Eastern




Vegan, Coeliacs, Vegetarian

Making this recipe


  • 1 tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 1 fat garlic clove, grated
  • a good pinch of salt
  • a good grinding of pepper
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 good spoonfuls of tahini paste
  • water (about one third of the chick pea tin)
  • a good lug of olive oil
  • 4 dessertspoons of breadcrumbs
  • 1 teaspoon dukkah

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Thanks to Michaela for this recipe to help anyone with overly runny hummus – though it sounds like it’s worth making it runny on purpose just to try it!

Just a recipe idea that came about from making a hummus too runny.

Firstly make your hummus – plonk all the following into a food processor: tin of chick peas drained and rinsed, 1 fat garlic clove grated, a good pinch of salt and pepper (I used the Seasoned Pioneers long peppercorns), the juice of a lemon and 4 good spoonfuls of tahini paste. Blitz until fairly smooth. Then with the motor running gradually pour in water (about a third of the chick pea tin). The mix should be quite runny.

In a small pan warm a lug of olive oil and add 4 dessertspoons of breadcrumbs but keep an eye on them because they burn quickly! Keep them moving around the pan. When they start to brown add a teaspoon and a half of Seasoned Pioneers Dukkah. Turn the heat off and keep stirring.

Add half of the breadcrumbs mix to the hummus and stir in then sprinkle the remainder on the top to decorate!

Serve and enjoy!